"Hyung you sure you don't want to sleep over at our house like Yoongi hyung?"Jungkook asks for the tenth time as Jin hop out his own car.
"Yes and return my car back anytime you want,'' he answer with a small smile.He then close the door and walk in his apartment.
He slump his tired and worn out body on the fluffy couch.
He force his eyes to close to take a rest but his keep repeating Namjoon accident again and again like a broken tape.
'Namjoon is a good drinker.He won't get drunk easily'
'Did he drink to much?'
'Is the drink were to strong that even he can't manage it?'
'But he responsible enough not to drive while he drunk'
'What happen exactly?'
There many more question in his mind but he to afraid to know.
He open back his eyes and when he look up his eyes widen.
Jungkook POV
"Hyung did you want some water?"i asked Yoongi as soon as we step inside the room.
"No..but i am sure i want to sleep this tiredness away," Yoongi answer,throwing his body on the sofa.I goes to my room and grab a pillow and a sheet of blanket for him.
He thanks me with a small voice enough for me to hear and he goes into the dreamland a little after he get comfortable.
Taehyung come out from the shower after washing himself.
"Do you want a cup of coffee Kook?" He goes to the kitchen while drying his wet hair.I follow him.
"Coffee will do.Thanks hyung,"
He humm in response and get to work.Once he done he place the hot coffee on the table and we drink it silently.Suddenly his phone turn off shocking the both of us.
"Who do you think it is?"i asked him as he reach for his phone.
"I don't know....oh!it's Hoseok!" He answer it quickly.
"Hello hyung?"
"Hey Taehyung..tell me what happen?"
"Yoongi got a call from police and we arrive at the scene Namjoon was already dying.,.and you know...he died..." Taehyung answer with emotionless face.
"When will be the burial?"
"Tomorrow afternoon,"
"I will see you then...," Hoseok was about to hung up when i stole the phone.
"How your leg?"
"The doctor said it not serious,"
"Please be careful next time hyung..."
"Yes i will.See you tomorrow Jungkook...bye"
"Bye hyung," and he hung up.
"Jungkook can i sleep with you tonight?"
"Sure Tae hyung,"
"I am sorry..i was scared...,"
"I know hyung and to be honest i also scared,"
"You really are my savior," and with that we both get in my room and fall asleep beside each other.
Unknown POV
This is so fun.I can't help but to laugh.How can this people be so stupid?
They dying is the best thing ever!!
*i tried to made it creepy but my friend said it it?*
Third POV
Jungkook were sleeping soundly until a dream disturb him.
"Jungkook!" Jungkook turn around as he hear someone calling him.His face lit up immediately as he see who is it.
Jungkook run to the shorter male with an open arms to hug him.But his arms meet an empty space as Jimin small body vanish into the thin air.He was to shock to move. Realization hit him as he look at Jimin sad smile.....He DEATH
But Jimin face lit up again
"Look Jungkook i am so happy now!" Jimin point somewhere and Jungkook automatically follow his small finger and his gaze drop on four bodies standing with the face blurry.
Jungkook remembered them as someone Jimin hate but shock as one of the guy turn into multiple black butterfly and fly away leaving the other three behind.
"Why did you happy Jimin?"
"I am happy because there only three of them left,"
And everything turn black.
Jungkook woke up with sweat on his forehead. He groan as he rack his hair harshly.
"What do you want to tell me Jimin?" He ask hoping that Jimin will answer him.Not noticing Jimin was there looking at him with a sad eyes.
He got out from bed and goes to the living room switching the TV on to distract his mind but not forgetting to turn down the volume so he will not waking the tired Yoongi.
He switch through all the channel until the sunrise.He not feeling sleepy got into the kitchen and cook some breakfast for the three of them.He cook some fried rice with chicken and a soup.He prepare it on the table with plate and spoon.He wait for the other two to wake up so they can eat together.
After 10 minutes of waiting Taehyung was stumbling into the kitchen with sleepy eyes and Yoongi who was kissing with the wall because was to sleepy to open his small eyes and walk.
"I prepared breakfast.Let's eat,"
They started eating as soon as the two sat their body on he seat.
"Jungkook did you check on Jin?"Yoongi asked.
"No..i will later.."
I mutter as i look at Jimin who was standing in front of me with head hanging low.
"What are you doing here?"
" are not real!"
"You are dead!"
With this Jimin hold up his head looking directly at me.
"And whose fault is that"
No this is just my imagination.This is not real...he is not here looking at me with mad eyes....i need to get him away...
"Imagination hyung?i am real..."
"You can't get me away...i will forever be beside you"
"Yes we promise...'we will always be together forever'...."
"I can't be with you!You already dead!"
"Simple....i can bring you with me" Jimin said smiling before he vanish into the air.
I quickly stand and dash to my room and get my sleeping pill.
'Yes i was just really tired...i need sleep'
I look at the one lonely single pill in my palm.
'This can't do!I need more!'
I pour a few more pill which i don't know how many of it and gulp it.
I sit on my bed and slowly my vision blur.
The sun has rise,i can feel it shine hugging my body warmly...but why it felt so cold?
I open my eyes as i heard my phone turn off.I want to answer it but my body feel like it was pin on the soft mattress under me.
'Why it feels like someone was hugging me?'
I look at my waist and see an arms hugging me tightly.
'Who is this?' I ask myself as i look at the fluffy brown hair with the hint of black.
'Why does it look familiar?'
When i hear that voice my body completely frozen.
"Hyung you awake already?"
"I thought you have died with the amount of pill you eat"
"Guess no"
"Should i kill you with my hand?"
I can't say anything it feels like there a lock locking my mouth from talking.
The phone continue ringing....
I just watch as Jimin stand from the bed and walk out the room. He come back later with knife in his hand.He place the knife slowly on my bed with eyes never leaving my scared one.
Our eyes lock and i feels like i was being hypnotize.
I watch in horror as my right hand reach for the knife slowly.
Blood was everywhere...i only see red...and Jimin smiling looking at the lifeless me.
"Guess i don't have to dirty my hand"
Jungkook POV
This is weird..i had been calling for him so many time now.
"Hyung he don't answer my call" i shout to notify Taehyung and Yoongi that Jin didn't answer the call.
"Should we go see him?" Yoongi suggests.
" Yes..we used his car anyway"
We immediately get ready with black suit or black shirt for Yoongi and walk out the apartment and want to the car.
The car pulled up at Jin residents and we goes to his apartment to get him.
Taehyung keeps saying he has a bad feeling and Yoongi will told him to shut up.
When we reach his floor Taehyung rush out the elevator and run to Jin door.He ring the bell and his face turn uneasy as Jin didn't reply.
"Calm down Tae!" Yoongi push Taehyung aside and push in the password to open the door.
"Only Jin is girly enough to used this as password" he comment.
"Said the one who us 0000 as his password''i said as i open the door.
"Jin hyung?"
Yoongi and I look around the small apartment and there no trace of Jin.
''Maybe he in bedroom'' Taehyung mumble.
He goes to Jin room and open the door before getting in.When he open the door there a smell that disturd me.
What is this smell?
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" the two of us who was in living room run into Jin room only to see Taehyung on the floor pointing into the bed.Our eyes follow his finger slowly and we gasp in shock as we see Jin was on the bed with bloody scar all over his body...knife in his right hand.
Did he cut himself?
I observed his room.His blood splashed on the wall behind his bed and his body lean on the bed headboard with eyes close.The cut all over his body.Why would he do this?
Yoongi rush to him and feels his pulse.
"Guys his pulse is still there!Call ambulance now!" Yoongi order.I reach for my phone quickly and shakily push the numbers.
"Please send and friend just cut himself"
"We will be right there sir.Please give me an address''
"It ************'' and i hung up.I goes to Taehyung and bring him outside leaving Yoongi with Jin.
"Please be alive Jin" Yoongi said while holding the elder hand.Praying for our 'mom' to stay.
"God why is this happening to us?" I ask while looking at the broken Taehyung.He start biting his nails until it bleed and i had to hold his hands so he won't bite it again.
"Please stop hyung.It will be okay..i promise" i said trying to reassure him.He look at me and hold out his pinky finger.I take it with my pinky finger making pinky promise.
He lean his head on my shoulder.I don't know he was this fragile.He was okay when his parents dead....
"I can't lose him too.I had enough having people i love die" he sob.

"I am here hyung.Don't worry''


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