That morning i was wake when Jin hyung run in my room,slamming the door loudly.
"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!" His voice screeching to the point it hit my nerve.
"Good!Good afternoon Kook"he said cheerfully while running through my closet.
I switch on my phone to look at the clock '1:30 p.m.'
"Taehyung will come home in 30 minutes and we will go the mall straight away,"
Lazily i hung the towel on my shoulder and take the clothes that Jin hyung already chose for me from my closet.
After showering i decide to wear the clothes when i notice.....
"WHAT THE HELL HYUNG PINK SHIRT!?" I shout.When did i have PINK shirt?
"PINK IS THE COLOR FOR MAN!" I heard Jin hyung shout.
I put on the shirt with a groan and a loud sigh.When i come out the bathroom,Jin hyung immediately pinch my cheeks,saying nonsense like 'oh my son are so cute~'
~my baby had grow up~
~ooo i miss my baby bunny~
"Stop hyung.I am 20 for goodness sake,"
"So what?It does not change the fact that you are YOUNGER," i rolled my eyes.That when we heard the front door click open.
"Tae hyung!"
"Oh Kook ready already?"
"Jin hyung throw me in the bathroom," i pout.
"Yah don't add the story!" Jin hyung hit my shoulder.
"Wait.I wil go change my clothes,"Taehyung said while ruffling my hair.
After awhile he come out his room and we head to the mall.
"Namjoon can't join us since he need to do some work at other place.Yoongi will meet us at 5 after his work and Hoseok can't join us too.He sprained his leg last night," Jin said with his eyes on the road.Taehyung were sleeping at the front seat probably tired.
We arrive at the mall soon after and Jin drag us to watch movie...i don't care..he pay anyway.
After two hours of ROMANCE..tell me why i agree again?Oh right free ticket.We receive a call from Yoongi hyung saying he waiting in coffee shop at the second floor.
"Jin!" Yoongi shout as soon three of us step in the cafe.
"Let hurry Yoongi we need to buy my baby clothes,"Jin frown when he see Yoongi taking his time sipping his americano.
"Calm your ass.I just comeback from work,"he said but nonetheless sip his drink faster and finish it in matter of second.
We were now in a clothes shop where Jin excitedly walk from rack to rack looking for 'fancy' clothes for me.He comeback with a pile of different shirt in his arm.
"Try all this while i get another pile,"he said as soon as he hand it to Yoongi.My jaw dropped.HELL THIS WILL BE A LONG DAY!
*trigger warning from here.If u are not used/comfortable,u can skip*
"Thank you i hope we will meet again for another business," i smile while shooking my client hand.
"Sure.I enjoy working with you,"
We bid our good bye.
When i start the car engine,my phone ring.It was from our group conversation.Jungkook sent a picture of him pouting in dressing room.
Jin:What are you doing try all the clothes now!
Jin:I am going to bring more.
Tae:hahaha poor Kookie >^<~
I just grin like idiot when i place my phone on the passenger seat and drove off.I have a really crazy group of friend.
The road are dark.No car in sight.The radio play a song that i don't know.Just then Taeyang Eyes Nose Lips play on the radio.Bringing my memories back to Jimin.
"Hyung..." i hear a voice and feels like someone touch me from the passenger seat.When i glance there no one.Maybe i was just tired.I don't get enough sleep for the pass two days.
"Hyung..."there the voice again.WTF?Glancing again there nobody here.But whose voice is that.
The car speed up as i feel anxious.
The road were empty.No car in sight.No one...
"Hyung why did you do that?" There stood Jimin in the middle of road,looking straight into the car.
The luxurious car spin on the road and stop abruptly when it hit behind a truck.
The truck contains fall off smashing the front mirror.
The man blood flow out oh his body.
"Is it hurt?...Hyung?" Jimin smile looking at the man who is screaming in pain.He then fade away into the thin air.
"That the last clothes,"i plop in the middle of Taehyung and Yoongi.They just laugh at me.
"So which one do you like?"Jin ask.
"You should ask me before you force me to try it all,"i roll my eyes.
"Then we will by all of this,"he said while walking to the counter.OMG did he really want to buy two piles of clothes?
Should i be GRATEFUL or not?
After two hell hours in that clothes shop.We decide to eat ice cream.
Vanilla for me,oreo for Tae,coffee for Yoongi and strawberry for Jin.
We were happily chatting when Yoongi phone turn off.
"Ops excuse me guys.Got a call," he frown when he look at the caller id,before standing up to walk somewhere else.
We were chatting again but i can't help to feels uneasy.I can feels this two hyung feels the same because their eyes keep darting toward where Yoongi walk off.
After a few minutes Yoongi come with unreadable face expression.
"Guys...we need to go somewhere,"
"Where?"Jin asks.
"I got a call from...police,"
"What?!"three of us whisper shout.
"Namjoon he...he..."his eyes redding second by second.
"Namjoon what?"Jin can't be patient anymore.
"He got into accident...he tell the police to call us,"
"Then what we waiting for?!"with that being said,we all run out the mall into Jin's car.
15 minutes we stay quite in anxious.Jin drove the car at the maximum speed not caring to get 'love letter' from the police.
In our head we are praying.Praying not to lose another friend.
we arrive at the scene with Yoongi instruction.
The situation make our knee turn to jelly.Namjoon car hit behind a truck that load with steel reinforcements.We all gain our gut and get out the car.A policeman come to us.
"Which one of you are Yoongi?"
"That me,"Yoongi hold up his hands.
"He want to meet you,"the policeman said.
"Can they tag along?They are his friends too,"
The man look at us before nodding.
When it left a few more step,we can see Namjoon face.He was looking at us smiling.We walk closer......
"Oh my god,"the only thing we can say at that moment.
Namjoon body have steel reinforcements stabbing his body.Some on his chest,stomach,leg and hands.Taehyung can't take it anymore and run out the scene.
"Joonie,"Jin mumble.Namjoon open his eyes and look at us again.
"hey..."he said slowly.He cough...blood come out from his mouth.
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING!!!TAKE OFF THAT STEEL OUT OF HIS BODY!!!" Jin suddenly yell like an insane man.Yoongi and me just keep our mouth to ourself.In our minds his death is a SURE.
Jin continue his yelling,causing him to be pull by the policeman from earlier.
"Calm down sir,the ambulance will be arriving in any second!,"the young man said trying to calm him down.But damn much we knew he not gonna survive.
"NO!"Jin knee the man stomach and run to Namjoon who was at the edge of life and death.He then grip two of the steel on Namjoon chest.
Just as i about to grip him away from Namjoon.
A scream are heard.

A blood splash on my face.My view turn red...blood red.
When i open my eyes back the sight make me want to vomit.
Jin had pull out the steel making all Namjoon blood to burst out into the air.
Namjoon scream "I AM SOORRY!....." again but his head hung low after the last breath escape his mouth.
Jin was covered in blood.....he fall to his knee once he look at the steel in his hands.Slowly the steel fall from his grip hitting the ground with a loud THUD.
Yoongi jaw drop..His eyes waver in fear..before he fall on the ground..unconscious.
"I kill him," Jin mumble before he too fall on the ground.The police quickly scramble to Jin and pull him aside while i see one of them covered Namjoon body with a black plastic after they pull his corpse out from the car.
When Taehyung come back he immediately back hug me as my body shake in pure hatred.Why does this had to happen?
Jin and Yoongi were brought to the hospital in a police car,while i drive Jin car to the the hospital.Trailing the ambulance that bring Namjoon corpse.Taehyung sit at the passenger seat silently.Trail of tears visible on his cheeks.
"Hyung you okay?"i ask grabbing his hand in mine when we come to stop at the traffic light.
"Not a bit..."he said.Voice wavering.The light turn green.All the way to the hospital,my hand stay loyal grabbing his shaky hand.
We arrive at the hospital at the same time Namjoon parents arrive.We greet his mother with a hug and tried to calm and stop her from crying loudly.I look at Taehyung who was glaring dagger at Namjoon father,who was at that moment standing there leaning on the wall with arm crossed.Why?What happen when i gone?Did something happen between Namjoon and his father?
Once the woman calmed down we excuse ourselves and goes to Yoongi and Jin ward.They already awake when we come in.Yoongi was sitting on the bed,eyes staring into the wall while Jin...he has tears rolled down his cheeks but there no sobbing sound that can be heard.He is the definition of the living corpse.
"Hyungs" both of us call them only to receive a 'humm' as a response.We were about to ask how they were doing when the doctor come in with files in his hands.
"Who are you?"the young doctor asks looking at us suspiciously.
"We are their friend,"i answer with a slight nod.
"Well that good that you here,"the doctor look at In before looking back at them.
"Can both of you follow me to my office?"
Taehyung and Jungkook changes look.
"Sure"answer both of them.
The trio walk thorough the hallway and finally they were now sitting across the doctor.
"So i will get straight to the point,"
Both of then nod eagerly.
"Min Yoongi is okay.He just faint because he was shocked,"
Both of them sigh feeling a little bit in ease.
"But Kim Seok Jin...i check his medical check up and he has come over to this hospital three days ago,"
"What for?"Jungkook ask curiously.
" He suffered somniphobia and depression. He has been given a pill by the doctor,"
Both of them exchanged look again.
"Will he be okay?"
"He should if he take the pill like the doctor suggested,"
"Can we bring them home today?"Taehyung asks carefully.
"Sure.I will just sign a few document and they are free to go,''
Both of them smile and mutter a small thank you before bowing and head out the room.
"Did you think Jin will really be okay?"Taehyung asks nervously.
"The doctor said he will be okay hyung.We should believe him,"said Jungkook trying to make the older less scare...yet he himself...doubt if Jin will really be okay.

They wait for another 30 minutes in the waiting room until the doctor see them and tell them they are free to go.


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