I walk out the airport pulling my suitcase.My phone turn off so i pick it up quickly not wanting the person on the other line waiting.



"Kookie walk ahead a bit.I already saw you"

"Ok wait for me"

Shoving the phone back in my pocket,i walk toward the parking lot.There stand two guy in front of a black car.The guy with pink coat that he wore ontop of his black suit wave his hand.Smiling i walk to them.

"Yo Kookie!" Namjoon said.

"Hi hyung" i said.

"Joonie open the trunk quick.Poor Kookie the suitcase must be heavy"

Namjoon open the trunk and grab my suitcase before closing it back.

All of us get into the car.When the car drove off the atmosphere quickly turn gloom.All three of us wear black suit.I just look out the window,looking at the scenery outside.The car move fast toward the place i never know that i will have to go so quickly...not in the young ages.

After 30 minutes the car stop moving.

"We here...." Namjoon said before the three of us jump out the car.No we are not excited.

At the entrance stood three guy.The black hair wave at me.

"Hey hyung" i smile.Hoseok give me a hug follow by Yoongi.Once they pull away i look at Taehyung who has case wrap around his arm.I look at him concern.He just smile and mouth 'accident'.

Six of us walk in the venue.To meet my seven friend,my closest hyung.

I look at the photo that surrounded by white lylies.A tears tried to escape my eyes,but i hold it in.

Park Jimin
May he rest in peace

I place a flower in front the picture and give my last bow toward him as respect.

"Hyung..." He must be happy that finally i call him hyung.The tears succeed to escape.It pour like waterfall.I can't hold it anymore.I begin to shout.

"Hyung i just leave to America and you promise you will be the one to pick me up when i am home!But look!What happen to you?!"

Yoongi and Namjoon pull me away from Jimin.

They sat me beside Taehyung who was lost in thought.

"Hyung what happen to him?How can he die?" I ask Taehyung.

"Sorry Kook.I got in an accident and i can't remember anything but hyungs said he disappeared one day and never comeback.They found his body at old warehouse.Inside a well" Taehyung said.

I am not the only one crying.Jimin family all are crying especially his mother who's screaming like there no tomorrow.

Jimin is a very loving guy.


"Jungkook what happen?" I look up from my lap.Jimin look at me in concern.

"Jimin...." i begin to sob harder.He pull me in his arm and rub my back.

"Shhh its okay its okay"

He patiently wait for me to calm down.Once i get back he ask me again

"What happen?"

"I lost my wallet.My mom will be angry" i said.I feel like idiot crying over that.

"Let find it then"he said pulling me up so i can stand.

We search for it until night and finally find it.

"Thanks hyung!"

He look at me and smile.Crimson eyes appear.

I smile at the moment i share with him.The world just lost a very nice person.

The day end with sorrow.I leave to Taehyung house since i will stay there until my house ready to have it owner back.

Namjoon drop us off in front of Taehyung apartment.We walk to his house in silent because I still sad with the lost of Jimin.

I just walk ahead without thinking when i feels a hand grab my shoulder.I snap out my trance and look at Taehyung.

"We here"he said releasing my shoulder from his grip.He open the door revealing green and white painted wall .His furnitures are also green and white in colour.He just love those colour to much.

"You can take the guest room.You know where it is right?"

"Yes.Come on hyung this is like my second home right?"
He chuckle and nod his head,before leaving me to answer the nature call.

Pulling the suitcase to the room,i found myself staring at the big frame hanged on the wall.I smile as i feel tears threatening to fall out yet again that day.

"We all look really happy right?"Taehyung said from behind me.He grab my shoulder and push me toward the room.
"Come out quick.I will prepare dinner," i nod and he walk out the room closing the door.
After 5 minutes i walk out the room wearing white shirt and red sweatpant.
"Jungkook dinner ready!"Taehyung call out from the kitchen.When i come in the kitchen,Taehyung was struggling to pick up the bowl since one of his arm were case.
"Just sit hyung.I will take care of it," he nod and take a sit at the dining table.Once all the food and utensils are place on the table we start eating.
"Hyung this carbonara is so good!" I praise.

"Well i know"he chuckle.
We finish our food and he bid me a good night.I was watching Insurgent on TV when i heard Taehyung scream.Turning off the TV i rush toward his room.
"Hyung what going on?"i ask as soon my eyes fall on sweaty Taehyung.
"Just a bad dream"he said smiling.His eyes look confuse.
"You sure?"
"100% yes.You can go back to your room Kook,"he said.Tugging the blanket on his body again.I close the door and laid beside him.
"I can sleep here right?Like the old time?"
"Sure," and we dozed off to our slumber.
"Hey Jimin"
"You should call me hyung right?" He pout.
"No.You Jimin only"

"Yah kid i hate you!"he punch my chest lightly.
"Nah you love me though," he stop hitting me and his face turn serious.
"I love you but i hate them,"
He raise his hand pointing to four people but i can't see them because it was blurry.When i turn around...
"Kook...Jungkook wake up!" I push the blanket.My heartbeat speed up,my sweat flows out my body.
"Jungkook what happen?" Taehyung ask me concern.I just pull him and cry on his shoulder.

The next morning,i woke up to the pancake aroma that sneak in my innocent nose.
"Taehyung hyung?"
"Good morning Kookie.Come here and sit,"he place a plate of pancake on the table before opening the refrigerator.
"Syrup or ice cream?"
"Both,"i answer blankly.
"Sure," he take both of it and place it on the table.He sit across me and we begin eating.
" know there something bothering me for awhile now"he said suddenly.
"What is it?"
"Will you go on date with me?"
"What?" My eyes widen.What?What?
"Hahaha oh my god Kook.I was just joking look at your face!!"he laugh.
"Erghh Hyung!i really thought you turn gay or something,"
"Nah i still straight as poll.Or did you swing that way?"
"Ish Hyung!"i throw my spoon toward him.
"Just be serious ok?"i said puffing my cheeks.
"Ok ok ok....."he take a gulp of water before opening his mouth.
"I keep dreaming the same thing for the past Three day,"his eyes wonder elsewhere.
"About...?"my question trail off.I don't feel good about this.
"About my accident"he said.
"In my dream i was talking on phone while running but a car come toward me at fast speed....but what concern me is not the accident"
"Then what?"
"The last thing i said before i got hit was 'Jiminie' and the car...i don't know why but i feel like i know that it not 'know' it really familiar" his eyebrows connect in confusion.
I just clenched my jaw not knowing what to say.Then i decide to tell him about my dream.
"I dream last night"his eyes immediately fell on me.
"I dream about Jimin he said that he love me but he hate 'them' ,"
"Yes...there four of them.But the problem is i can't recognize them since it were blurry,"
We fell silent for awhile.
Did Jimin want to tell us something?
"Jungkook.Did you think Jimin trying to say something to us?You know like in the movie?"
"Yes...i think...maybe"
Silent fell on us again.We both think hard about what happening.The silent crash once we heard Taehyung bell ring.
"Yes!"Taehyung stand and walk to the front opening the door.
"Oh hyung!"
"We brought food!" I heard Namjoon voice.
I place my dish in the sink and meet all the hyung in the living room.
"Jungkook!"Hoseok pull me into bone crushing hug.
"Good morning hyung...stop...i can't breath," He release me after a few stroke on my head.He just adding my bed hair.I scowl.
We sit in circle with chicken as the center.Taehyung sit beside me after he get some water.
I decide to tell them about our dream.
"Hyung!" I gain everyone attention.
"Yes?" Jin ask with a kind smile.
"I have a bad dream last night....."
"Bad dream?"Yoongi look at me.
"I dream about*%*$*$*" but i can't finish it when Taehyung shut my mouth with his giant hand.
"He dream that he fall from cliff," he said.I frown.
"Jungkook follow me for awhile,"

He stand and walk in his room.I said my excuse and follow him.
"What the hell hyung?" I ask as soon i close the door.
"Look Kook you know i think we should not tell hyungs about that,"
"I don't feel good about them,"
"Are you doubting them?"
"No!..Yes?.well..they are weird,"
"What you mean weird?"
"When i ask them what happen to Jimin they never answer me...but they obviously know what happen,"
"Don't you see?They always leave us behind and whispering among themselves,"he said.That remind me.All of them become a ball of silent and keep having that guilt looking eyes.
I mentally take a note of what Taehyung said.
"We need to get out now or they will be suspicious,"he said and walk out the room leaving me.
After a few minutes i come out the room.
"Kook what take so long?"Hoseok ask.
"I just take a dump," i said bluntly before taking my seat beside Taehyung again.
"Err this is so hard,"Taehyung whine.He was trying to make a wrap but fail since if we want to make a wrap we need to use both hands but he can't.
I make a small wrap and give it to him.I repeat the same thing until 'i ma full' come out his full mouth.
That morning we chat about a lot especially about me since i move to America last year.
But we never talk about Jimin.Jimin name stumble from Yoongi mouth once and it became awkward among us.
But being the sunshine of the group Hoseok lift the atmosphere back alive.
At 1 p.m. they leave the house.Seokjin promised to bring me to the mall tomorrow to buy me a new shirt since he said
"You are to old fashion!"
I just rolled my eyes at his remarks.
Taehyung leave for his part time work at 3 p.m. leaving me alone with nothing to do.I stroll around the house.When i was cleaning the closet in the guest room a.k.a my room,i found a box full of video tape.
'Oh this is all the video that Jin hyung take' with that i sit on the sofa and switch on the TV and play the video.
One of the video is about dance battle that were held by student council in our highschool.
Two finalist is Hoseok hyung and Jimin.
The battle was awesome but Jimin win in the end and Hoseok hyung got second place.
Next video is taken on Jimin 18 birthday.Everyone was at the party even our parents.We all gave him a present but Hoseok parents had something else in mind.They give Jimin PlayStation 4 that he want from when he 17 also the one that Hoseok beg but end up buying it himself with the money he got from part time work after school.
I was about to watch the tenth video when Taehyung come home.
"I'm home!"
"Hey hyung,"
"Hey kookie.What you doing?"
"Watching old video,"
"Old video?"
"Yeah.I found it in the closet,"
"Really?Wait!I will get some snack and we can watch it together,"he said while rushing to his room to change.
Five minutes later...yeah he fast.He come out the room to the kitchen and he come to me with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of soda with two plastic cup,bringing it in a tray.
"Now play it!"he said excitedly plopping beside me after setting the tray on the coffee table.
I push the play button and that what we done for five hours.
Yeah Jin took a lot of video..
"Wah~~so tired!"Taehyung groan.
"Hyung what do you want for dinner?"
"I feel like eating ramyun,"
"Ramyun is it then!" I said while taking two cup of ramyum from the cabinet.

We ate the ramyum with some kimchi and goes to bed right after we finish the cup.


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